2. First Language Acquisition
Extreme behaviorist position: Children come into the world with a tabula rasa, a clean slate bearing no perceived notions about the world or about language, and children are then shaped by their environment and slowly conditioned through various schedules of reinforcement.
Extreme cognitivist position: Children come into this world with very specific innate knowledge, prepositions, and biological timetables.
Extreme constructivist position: Coginitivist position and that they learn to function in a language chiefly through interaction and discourse.
Behaviorism Approaches
: Repetition, Imitation, Practice
: The behaviorist might consider effective language behavior to be the production of correct responses to stimuli. If a particular response is reinforced, it then becomes habitual, or conditioned.
: B.F. Skinner-Operant conditioning(stimulus-response)
-consequences are rewarding → the behavior is maintained and is increased in strength and perhaps frequency
-consequences are punishing, or there is total lack of reinforcement → the behavior is weakened and eventually extinguished.
Features |
Challenges |
Behaviorism Approaches |
: Repetition, Imitation, Practice : The behaviorist might consider effective language behavior to be the production of correct responses to stimuli. If a particular response is reinforced, it then becomes habitual, or conditioned. : B.F. Skinner-Operant conditioning (stimulus-response) -consequences are rewarding → the behavior is maintained and is increased in strength and perhaps frequency -consequences are punishing, or there is total lack of reinforcement → the behavior is weakened and eventually extinguished. |
: No one would agree that Skinner's model of verbal behavior adequately accounts for the capacity to acquire language, for language development itself, for the abstract nature of language, or for a theory of meaning.
: every sentence you speak or write is novel, never before uttered either by you or by anyone else.
Nativist Approaches |
: We are born with a genetic capacity that predisposes us to systematic perception of language around us. : innate abilities to generate a potentially infinite number of utterances
-Skinner’s Verbal Behavior : behavior is controlled by its consequences(stimulus-response theory)
-Language Acquisition Device(LAD) : a special neurological system in the human brain that facilitates language development : a set of language leaning tools, provided at birth like a little black box in the brain : distinguish speech sounds from other sounds : organize linguistic date into various classes : knowledge that only a certain kind of linguistic system is possible
-Universal Grammar (UG) : sum total of all the immutable principles : UG covers grammar, speech and meaning :all human beings are genetically equipped with abilities that enable them to acquire language regardless of their environmental stimuli. ex) Mommy sock (pivot word + open word) : Genetically pre-programmed language organ in the brain → The knowledge is built in. We can learn English as well as any other language, with all its richness because we are designed to learn language based upon a common set of principles, which we may call UG.
:Chomsky's position -Language is not acquired through simple imitation. -Human beings are generically predisposed to acquire a language. -Language acquisition is subserved by a language-specific mental faculty.
: Jean Berko (1958) demonstrated that children learn language not as a series of separate discrete items but as an integrated system. (wug/gling) |
: parallel distributed processing (PDP) (Spolsky, 1989) - information is processed simultaneously at several levels of attention not as serially connected rules or items like Chomsky's UG. - linguistic performance may be the consequence of simultaneous neural interconnections rather than a serial process of rule.
: connectionism (Rumelhart & McClelland, 1986) - experience leads to learning by strengthening particular connections - there are no 'rules' of grammar.
: Emergentism - the complexity of language emerges from, relatively simple developmental process being exposed to a massive and complex environment. |
Functional Approaches |
: constructivism : social interaction -communicative functions of language :discourse : cognition and language : functions of language : children’s background knowledge (schema) plays an important role - development is paced by the growth of conceptual and communicative capacities, operating in conjunction with innate schemas of congnition : formal of language - development is paced by the growth of perceptual and information-processing capacities, operating in conjunction with innate schemas of grammar : Piaget - what children learn about languages is what they already know about the world |
* Piaget Vs. Chomsky
Piaget |
Chomsky |
The child passes through Cognitive states. Cognitive development is at the very center of the human organism and language is dependent upon and springs from cognitive development. → Functional Approaches |
He placed much more emphasis on the role of Experience in cognitive development than I do. → The Nativist Approach |
Competence Vs. Performance
: competence - underlying knowledge of a system, event, or fact.
performance - overtly observable and concrete manifestation or realization of competence
* competence가 빙산이라면, performance는 빙산의 일각
Comprehension Vs. Production
: comprehension before production? or production before comprehension?
Nature Vs. Nurture
Universals (Principles ve. Parameters)
Systematicity Vs. Variability
Language and Thought
Practice and Frequency
: surface-structure imitation
: rote pattern drills
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