
1. Language, Learning, and Teaching

: a picture of both the slipperiness of SLA and the systematic storehouse of reliable knowledge that is now available to us: eclectic, cautious

: your understanding of the components of language determines to a large extent how you teach a language


1. Learning and Teaching

: the second language learner brings all these variables into play in the learning of a second language

: teaching cannot be defined apart from learning

: your understanding of how the learner learns will determine your philosophy of education, your teaching style, your approach, methods, and classroom techniques

: your theory of teaching is your theory of learning ‘stood on its head’


2. Schools of Thought in Second Language

early 1990s and 1940s and 1950s

Structural Linguistics and Behavioral Psychology

: rigorous application of scientific observations of human languages

: structuralist; only publicly observable responses could be subject to investigation

: ignore mentalistic approach; unobservable guesses, hunches, and intuition

: typical behavioral models were classical and operant conditioning, rote verbal learning, instrumental learning, discrimination learning, and other empirical approaches to studying human behavior

: Pavlov’s dog and Skinner’s boxes

description, observable performance, scientific method, empiricism, surface structure, conditioning, reinforcement

1960s, 1970s, and 1980s

Generative Linguistics and Cognitive Psychology

* generative-transformational linguistics

: Noam Chomsky; principled basis, independent of any particular language, for the selection of the descriptively adequate grammar of each language

: important distinction between the overtly observable aspects of language and the hidden levels of meaning and thought that give birth to and generate observable linguistic performance


* cognitive psychology

: meaning, understanding, and knowing were significant data for psychological study

: David Ausubel

: sought to discover underlying motivations and deeper structures of human behavior

generative linguistics, acquisition, innateness, interlanguage, systematicity, universal grammar, competence, deep structure

1980s, 1900s, and 2000s


: emphasis on social interaction and the discovery / the importance of social interaction and cooperative learning in constructing both cognitive and emotional images of reality

Jean Piaget

Lev Vygotsky

“learning is a developmental process that involves change, self-generation, and construction, each building on prior learning experiences

* zone of proximal development (ZPD)

: the distance between learners’ existing developmental state and their potential development

: important facet of social constructivism because it describes tasks “that a child cannot yet to do alone but could do with the assistance of more competent peers or adults”

importance of individual cognitive development as a relatively solitary act

social interaction was foundational in cognitive development and rejected the notion of predetermined stages

interactive discourse, sociocultural variables, cooperative learning, discovery learning, construction of meaning, interlanguage variability


3. Language Teaching

19 centuries

Classical Method

(Grammar Translation Method(GTM))

: grammatical rules, memorization of vocabulary and of various declensions and conjugations, translation of texts, doing written exercise

20 centuries

(1940s. 1950s)

Audiolingual Method(ALM), Direct Method(DM

: rules and the ‘cognitive code’ of language

20 centuries


Communitive Language Teaching(CLT)

: growing interest in interpersonal relationships, the value of group work, and the use of numerous cooperative strategies for attaining desired goals

: authentic uses of the second language



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